In perioada 06-10 octombrie 2014 a avut loc prima sesiune de antrenamente cu renumitul antrenor PJ Nolan, antrenorul federal al Irlandei si a multor jucatori din Main Tour precum Fergal O’Brien, David Hogan, Aditya Mehta sau Lucky Vatnani. Cele 3 zile de antrenamente au reprezentat o experienta de neuitat atat pentru jucatorii participanti, cat si pentru marele antrenor irlandez. In continuare vom prezenta un paragraf despre calatoria avuta la Bucuresti, de catre PJ Nolan:

„On the 6th of October I travelled to the beautiful city of Bucharest in Romania to hold a three day snooker training camp in the fantastic new TAC Billiard & Snooker Club.The TAC club contains perfect match playing conditions to help the Romanian players to practice on International Shender tables with professional lighting and I believe it is one of the best clubs in Europe.

The training camp was arranged to promote the game and provide players with the guidance of how to play and train properly by the newly formed Real Snooker Tour Association of Romania.Among the players who attended the Camp were many of the top International players who represented Romania in this year’s EBSA Championships that were held in Romania in March 2014

The 12 Players:


During the camp I worked on developing a solid playing technique in the Stance, Cue Action, Grip, Address Position and I used my various academy training routines to improve the players cue ball control, long potting and break building scoring.

I also focused on their tactical game as this is the one area that needs to improve the most and the new mini tactical games will help the players identify the correct shot and the correct time to help them win more.

All the players were videoed and received DVD’s of their game to study at home as I feel this is crucial in developing players to improve their technique. The 12 players in the camp also received a Coaching Profile highlighting the main areas needed to improve within their game, Academy Training Booklets plus Sports Psychology audio to work on their mind fitness.

I believe now the players have the correct fundamentals plus the correct training programs to move the game on within Romania. I was so impressed with TAC Club and the high quality of the playing condition for the Romanian players plus the vision of the club owner Marius Ancuta in how to develop the game more in Romania.

I totally enjoyed the Bucharest Camp and I would like to thank Marius for inviting me to Romania and to Paul and Sorin for arranging everything so perfect for me. Finally I want to thank all the players in making it a very special camp, and it was a big honour to coach them as their eagerness to want to learn impressed me. I am already looking forward to returning in 2015 to the TAC club to monitor the progress and help develop the game more in Romania.”

In urma acestei experiente extraordinare, PJ Nolan a fost de acord sa se intoarca in Romania, pentru a continua munca depusa, contribuind astfel enorm la dezvoltarea si perfectionarea snooker-ului pe meleagurile noastre.     

Pe aceasta cale dorim sa ii multumim enorm pentru tot devotamentul aratat si abia asteptam urmatoarea sesiune de antrenamente.


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